Friday, 25 February 2011

How-To: Redstone Extender

This is a very simple tutorial on how to build a redstone extender. As many of you guys probably know, redstone can only keep signal for 15 blocks. That's a shame, but luckily there is something to do about it! :-)

As seen on this picture, the signal from the torch is lost at 15 blocks.
To prove it, I've placed a door on the end of the line

How to extend?!
Simply do as I did on this picture.

This time the door gets the signal, since the redstone is...

As you might notice, the little piece of redstone between the two blocks is OFF. If the input was turned OFF (the torch in this case), the little piece of redstone would have been ON.

You can keep extending redstone for as long as you want. There is no limit and the possibilities are countless!
Enjoy! :D


  1. Mastering redstones is when the game gets REALLY interestin, , nice post.

  2. What's awesome about the red stone system in minecraft is that if you know electronics or computer engineering you can build some pretty awesome stuff. Don't remember who, but I saw that a guy built an ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit(The thing in the CPU that does all the math)) with read stone.

  3. @ThatBrokeProgrammer
    Exactly, that's what so awesome about it :-D.

  4. I dont play this minecraft thing, although i bet if i tried playing i would get hooked...

  5. This is really cool, I'm getting more and more tempted to buy a copy of minecraft.

  6. someone built a 16 bit computer in minecraft...

  7. @Spike
    No, someone build a 16-bit ALU (arithmetic logic unit) in minecraft. It's not the same thing. The ALU is the part of the CPU that does the math :-).

    I'm not aiming to teach people how to build time consuming stuff like that, I just want to show the basics :-).

  8. If I were you my next blog post would be about the newly implemented repeater blocks which serve the same purpose as this set of blocks, but with a higher degree of customization. ;-)
